The following is a list of the psychic abilities you can choose from for your character. Please note that 'powers' such as pyrokinesis, levitation, teleportation, etc. will not be accepted. If you have an idea for an ability not listed here, please feel free to contact the mods about it.

The perception of energy fields surrounding people, places and things. Auras are often seen as colourful swirls surrounding a person, but each aura reader sees things slightly differently

Writing produced without conscious thought. An automatic writer may 'black out', that is go into a state of mind where they are totally unaware of where they are or what they are doing, and when they 'wake up' they'll find pages of scrawled messages, often in handwriting they do not recognize as their own.
An out-of-body experience in which an astral body becomes separate from the physical body. Sometimes, if the person who is projecting is strong enough, their astral body will be able to manipulate physical things. Others can simply float there an observe.
The ability to gain information about an object, person, location or physical event through extrasensory perception. A clairvoyant is the classic version of a psychic, someone who knows things that they shouldn't, like where to find your lost keys, or help the police find a missing child.
A vision of a living person prior to their death, sometimes accompanied by empathy for the subject. Note: Your character should not have constant death-visions. Nobody wants to be forever seeing death. Also, seeing the death of another character in the community, or their family members, would count as godmodding.
The ability to understand and share the feelings of another. While some would consider this just a personality trait, and not a psychic ability, psychic empaths don't just 'understand how you feel'. They feel what you feel. Empathy can be handy, but also crippling if the empath is surrounded by a lot of people, as there is a good chance they will be getting a lot of conflicting emotions and feelings all at once.
Healing by channeling a form of energy into the patient. The effects of these healings can range anywhere from making a cold feel better to, for very advanced healers who have a good hold on their ability, completely curing more serious diseases. The more effort the person puts into the healing, the weaker they themself will feel afterward.
Communicating with spirits. This can come in many different ways. Some mediums simply hear the voices of the departed, some see a physical apparition. Some mediums have their bodies used as vessel, while some never make any sort of contact with the departed at all.
Perception of events before they happen, either through visions or dreams. Someone with precog may have a physical sign that they're about to have a vision, such as a phantom itch or hearing something strange, and some will suffer physically after the vision has departed, such as headaches or tiredness that lasts for hours to days.
The ability to manipulate objects by the power of thought. The longer and harder a psychokinetic works on concentrating on their ability, the stronger their psychokinesis will become. They will be able to move heavier objects, and for longer.
Obtaining information about a person or object, usually by touching or concentrating on the object or a related object, or making skin-to-skin contact with the person. Some psychometrics will wear gloves, or only handle objects that they own personally, to keep from becoming overwhelmed with images and information about other people.
Perception of past events. Like someone with precognition, someone with retro-cog, or postcog, may have visions or extremely detailed dreams. The difference between the two is, obviously, when their vision takes place. While some people might think that knowing about the past is a useless psychic power to have, people with retro-cognition have proven to be very helpful to society as a whole.
Transfer of thoughts, words, or images in either direction. What some might consider 'mind reading', a telepath can both hear (or see) the thoughts of others, and also project their own thoughts to someone else.